The 4-Step System For Changing Your Mindset & Developing Control


Here at MLA we believe that in the gym you should be training your body and mind together. You will be able find out more and truly experience this on our Fitness & Mindset retreat coming up in June where you will be coached by Mindset Rx’D Mindset Coach Tamara Akcay who has a lot of wisdom to share on the subject!

In the meantime, we asked Tom Foxley, founder of Mindset Rx’D, what his method is for helping people to train their minds whilst training their bodies. Below are his words, originally posted here. Read on and have a think about how they apply to you.

Mindset work seems confusing because it's so difficult to measure. With a squat program, or the journey to a handstand push-up (or ten), it's easy to see the end result. More importantly though, it's easy to see the path ahead.

But there is also a path to mindset growth, and this is it: Acceptance > Awareness > Accountability > Adaptation


Objective of the Acceptance phase: To realise that something has to change with your mindset.

Result of successful execution: Having a deep resolve to grow.

Maybe you are just fed up with your self-talk.

Maybe you realise that you are ready for the next level and will do whatever it takes to succeed.

Maybe you've realised that 50% of CrossFit is mental, and 50% is physical, yet you spend 100% of your time training the physical.

This is the only phase we can't help you with.

It's in the Acceptance phase that you have to decide that you are ready to grow, and that your mindset is holding you back.

In other words, accept reality as it is.


Objective of the Awareness phase: To identify your subconscious stories and see the "space" where you can change your actions.
Secondary objective: To see how your behaviours, emotions and thoughts are linked.
Result of successful execution: You will get to know your stories, have a vision, build deeper understandings of what holds you back. This will show you exactly where you can improve.

Here, you can start observing and writing down your thoughts and emotions to see the deeper impact of your mindset.

You will see your actions, thoughts and emotions in a light that you've never seen them in before. It will be as if you're seeing yourself for the first time.

In all honesty, this phase can be challenging, but it's essential. No matter how tough it gets, you have to move forward.

Don't retreat from discomfort, go toward it.

In the Mindset Rx'd Method, we have three phases to get you to this point: Testing, Aiming Up, and Presence.


Objective of the Accountability phase: To gain control of your mental-emotional landscape.

Result of successful execution: You choose your thoughts, emotions and behaviours in all scenarios. As such, you achieve your goals.

This is not accountability to a coach or a training partner, but to yourself. You become accountable to the version of you who wants the best for you.

You will only be able to choose Accountability with enough work in the Awareness phase.

You have to find the "decision point" (the moment in time you either consciously choose what is best for you, or unconsciously carry out what you've practised before).

If you're using the Mindset Rx'd Method, this is where you will transition to the Proof and Sport-Specific phases of training.


Objective of the Adaptation phase: To carry out your new behaviours enough times that you begin to do so unconsciously.
Result of successful execution: Long-lasting belief change. You succeed in your goals.

Every behaviour you perform, though you have, and emotion you feel, is a vote for the type of person you become.

By mastering your Accountability, you will have ownership over all of these.

With enough Acceptance, Awareness & Accountability, you will now see yourself as a different person. Your beliefs will have shifted.

As such, you will begin hitting those goals which previously felt out of your reach.

So there you have it. Mindset work definitely isn't easy, but it is simple. You just need a method to follow.

Coach Tom



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