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10 Ways to Recover From Burnout
Are you prone to burning out? Read our toolkit to help you overcome it, remove the risk of going back there, and bulletproof yourself for a rich, bold, fun life ahead. You’ve got this!
How to Prevent Burnout in The City
It's 10 pm, you’re sitting at your desk eating a Deliveroo that just arrived and you know you’ll do it again tomorrow. And the day after that. Believe it or not, this is the beginning of burnout. You just don’t know it yet.
Why Movement & Adventure Are The Perfect Pair: Learnings From CrossFit & Yoga Coach, and Crete Retreat Host, Kayla Marie
From working in a bank to marketing to pursuing yoga teaching full time, Kayla Marie’s journey has been guided by the Steve Jobs quote, ‘If you were going to die today, would you continue to do what you had planned?’ For the 2012 Kayla, the answer was no, which led to a career in coaching both CrossFit and yoga. She has also previously hosted retreats in El Salvador, Spain, and Hawaii.
Debunking The Top Five Fitness Retreat Myths
Attending a fitness retreat for the first time can feel daunting. You have so many questions about the location, the accommodation, the activities, and, of course, the other people who will be there.
6 Inspiring Things To Learn From Triathlete, Entrepreneur & Investor Lara Morgan
‘I Plan To Live Until I’m 127’ & 6 Inspiring Things To Learn From Triathlete, Entrepreneur & Investor Lara Morgan
As a founder, investor, mother of 3, and an ex-top ten world triathlete, one might assume that Lara Morgan might not have any time left for herself.