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Meet Gus Vaz Tostes
Gus Vaz Tostes is a face that’s known to many on the London fitness scene. With his iconic long hair & handlebar moustache combo, he’s an inimitable individual both on and off the gym floor. But who is the person behind the Hyrox microphone?
We’re about to find out.
Reflecting on 2023 and Crafting Adventure Into Your 2024
As the sun sets on yet another transformative year, we find ourselves again at a crossroads of reflection and anticipation. The past year has undoubtedly brought a number of experiences to us all - some challenging, some triumphant, many adventurous! - which shape our individual stories.
The Life-Changing Impact of Travel on Mental Health
We share our personal experiences and insights on the transformative power of mindful travel: each trip we take and every new place we explore leaves us with a fresh outlook and a healthier state of mind.
Q & A with Coach Tamara Akcay
Earlier this month, we sat down for a Q&A session with the lovely coach Tamara Akcay, to find out a bit more about her coaching, what it means to train fitness and mindset together, and why it’s so important. Enjoy!