The 2020 CrossFit Open: Taking part and registering


Going by the response to our last story, it looks like a few of you are still in two minds about the CrossFit Open. Remember, taking part and registering online are two different things. You can take part without registering. A few examples below:

'I am only a few months into CrossFit, and it feels too early to be competing.´

Sure this can be intimidating! But if you are enjoying the training and plan on carrying on, then it is worth understanding where you are now. This time next year you will look back and appreciate how much progress you have made.

We say: take part and register, so you can post your scores online.

'I don’t want to post my scores online for everyone to see.'

Fair enough! Do the workouts and keep your scores private in your training diary. Do you have a training diary? If you are serious about goal-setting and following through, you need a good one, e.g.

We say: take part, don’t register.

'I will be travelling to various places in the next five weeks.'

Lucky you! Drop in to a local box and do the Open workout there. You’ll get to experience the variety and support of the CrossFit community around the world. Check the map and also ask your gym for recommendations. Check the map here

We say: take part and register.

'I am injured.'

There is a chance you will have to modify the workouts and they will not meet the standard, so it is entirely ok not to register. Do your modified workout with a judge, and make sure they keep you accountable at putting in your best effort!

We say: take part, don’t register.

There are other ways to take part

If you still don’t want to take part in the workouts, you can get involved in other ways. Pretty sure that if you offer, your gym will love it!

  • Help with the set-up or warm-up.

  • Be a judge, or help get the equipment ready during workouts.

  • Make coffee.

  • Bring homemade treats.

Over to you

Let us know if you have any questions either in the comments below or by email!


When the honeymoon is over


How to make the most of the CrossFit Open