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Stella Kamba Stella Kamba

What to do before your training session

If you only have about an hour to train and you want to move well and lift heavy things, it pays to prime your nervous system to do that in advance. Visualisation can help.

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Stella Kamba Stella Kamba


In my first two months of CrossFit I remember being sore every day but still wanting to go back and train the following day. I had to learn resilience fast or I would not make it through the term! Here is what I found.

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Stella Kamba Stella Kamba

Make the most out of your training sessions

Are you about to start a new training programme with a new coach? Making the most of your time together can take your training and wellbeing to a whole new level. Below are a few ideas.

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Stella Kamba Stella Kamba

Must-read books for wellness

You know it’s a good book when you keep referring back to it. This is an ever-changing list, but these are some of the books that I keep referring back to.

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Stella Kamba Stella Kamba

The benefits of training alone

Since the quarantine started, a lot of us have lost our gym buddies, the people we would ordinarily ‘compete against’ or compare ourselves to in the gym. The silver lining is that this is an opportunity to find internal motivation and ways to push ourselves on your own.

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Stella Kamba Stella Kamba

Journaling ideas for emotional health and happiness

In times of quarantine in particular, journaling can be an incredible tool for voicing your true feelings and processing them. This is an outline of various resources I have used for the past 25 years. I hope it helps. Get in touch if you have any questions!

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Patricia Baez-Gutierrez Patricia Baez-Gutierrez

Always ‘on’: the effect of chronic stress on your body

Stress is a part of daily life. We need some of it in our lives, as it allows us to adapt and perform better, whether that is at work, at home or in training. Often we are unaware of the amount of stress we place on ourselves, and we can get close to the tipping point without realising.

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Stella Kamba Stella Kamba

Winter Treat Season Recap

A huge thank you to everyone who made it to our Winter Treats in October and January! Below is a selection of photos by Pablo Byrne. You can also find the notes from the last presentation here.

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Stella Kamba Stella Kamba

The 2020 CrossFit Open: Taking part and registering

Going by the response to our last story, it looks like a few of you are still in two minds about the CrossFit Open. Remember, taking part and registering online are two different things. You can take part without registering. A few examples below:

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